
IASO Cancer

About us

Bruno Rosset, Founder of the Iaso-cancer Initiative

I also came across many other interesting therapies that I am confident will be widely accepted around the world soon. 

Unfortunately, this came too late for Peter. But he would certainly have been happy to see that we have since been able to achieve excellent treatment results and help patients from all over the world.

Our private DCT clinic is in Germany. We also collaborate with partner clinics in Germany,  Austria, and Switzerland. Each clinic has a different focus, but all are active in the field of integrative oncology.

I will personally take care of you!

IASO Cancer

About me

In search of new, safe, effective, and side-effect-free cancer therapies, I founded the “Iaso-Cancer Initiative” in 2018. The impetus came from my best friend Peter, who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

I promised him I would look for new, innovative treatments and have since been able to establish collaborations at home and abroad with the most advanced cancer clinics.

I found several innovative doctors, doctors who empower the patient’s immune system to fight cancer on its own through Dendritic Cell Therapy (DCT), among others.

"I am convinced that, thanks to them, we will one day be able to cure cancer or make it a chronic but manageable disease"

I have visited all the clinics I suggest to my patients, interviewed all the doctors, and remain in constant contact with them. During my experience at Big Pharma, I have learned that there is no such thing as “one therapy fits all”. Each person is an individual and therefore needs an individual and personalized care plan that best suits their needs.  

Short introduction

I am an entrepreneur in the health sector, a leader in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, and a specialist in genetics and cancer immunology.

I have successfully founded companies and clinics in many parts of the world and built multicultural teams. I rely on trust, credibility, knowledge, and cultural awareness acquired in more than 20 years of work in the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, Africa, Central Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia, Austria, and Switzerland.

During my career I have been aboard member of Interpharma – Swiss Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies, the Arab-Swiss Chamber of Commerce, the Swiss Biotech Association, where I was responsible for international relations, and have been a member of the Swiss Society of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries (SGCI)

Our Clinic​

Our Doctors

Professor Dr Frank Gansauge

Professor Dr Frank Gansauge is the pioneer of this treatment and has his own specialized clean room laboratory. Frank Gansauge completed his medical studies in Tübingen and Cardiff in England. He has published more than 160 scientific papers and written numerous book chapters. He has successfully treated more than 13,000 patients with dendritic cells.

Dr. med. Krisztina Baráth

Dr. med. Krisztina Baráth is the founder, leading physician and CEO of the epigeniXzürich practice for metabolic and bioregulatory medicine. She completed her medical studies at the Semmelweis University of Budapest, Hungary. After many years of working as a neuroradiologist and head & neck radiologist at various universities and institutes worldwide, she turned to metabolic and bioregulatory medicine and gained extensive experience in this field. She also holds a diploma (MAS Nutrition and Health) from the University of ETH Zurich. She is particularly interested in integrative and holistic cancer treatment.

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